The Team
Co-Director, 2001-2005
Professor Dai Hounsell
Professor of Higher Education
and Community Education
School of Education
University of Edinburgh
Paterson's Land
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
tel: 0131 651 6667 / 651 4090
email: Dai.Hounsell@ed.ac.uk
Noel Entwistle
Professor Emeritus
Higher and Community Education
School of Education
University of Edinburgh
Paterson's Land
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
email: Noel.Entwistle@ed.ac.uk
Associate Director,
Dr Charles Anderson
Senior Lecturer
Higher and Community Education
School of Education
University of Edinburgh
Paterson's Land
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
tel: 0131 651 6656
email: C.D.B.Anderson@ed.ac.uk
Research Fellow, 2002-2005
Dr Adrian Bromage
Senior Research Assistant
Centre Interprofessional e-Learning
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Coventry University
Coventry CV1 5FB
tel: 024 7688 7810
email: a.bromage@coventry.ac.uk
Director, 2001-2005
Dr Kate Day
Senior Lecturer (retired)
School of Education
University of Edinburgh
Paterson's Land
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
email: Kate.Day@ed.ac.uk
Associate Director,
Professor Ray Land
Centre for Academic Practice and Learning Enhancement
University of Strathclyde
Graham Hills Building
George Street
Glasgow G1 1QE
tel: 0141 548 4064
email: ray.land@strath.ac.uk
Research Associate,
Judith Litjens
European Advisor
UK Research Office (UKRO)
Research Fellow, 2001-2002
Associate Director, 2002-2005
Dr Velda McCune
Senior Lecturer
Learning and Teaching Centre
University of Glasgow
Southpark House
64 Southpark Avenue
Glasgow G12 8LB
tel: 0141 330 4864
email: velda.mccune@glasgow.ac.uk
Associate Director,
Professor Erik Meyer
Centre for Learning, Teaching and Research in Higher Education
School of Education
University of Durham
Leazes Road
Durham DH1 1TA
tel: 0191 334 8375
email: j.h.f.meyer@durham.ac.uk
Research Fellow, 2002-2005
Dr Nicola Reimann
CPD Academic
Practice Programme Leader
School of Health, Community and Education Studies
Northumbria University, Coach Lane Campus
Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA
email: nicola.reimann@northumbria.ac.uk
Project Administrator,
Jenny Hounsell
Research Officer
Higher and Community Education
School of Education
University of Edinburgh
Paterson's Land
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ
tel: 0131 651 6669
email: Jenny.Hounsell@ed.ac.uk
Former Team Members
Liz Beaty (Associate Director, 2001-2002)
Director of Strategic Academic Practice and Partnership
University of Cumbria |
Glynis Cousin (Research Fellow, 2001-2002)
Director, Institute for Learning Enhancement
University of Wolverhampton |
Jennifer Nisbet (Research Fellow, 2002-2004)
Dr Hilary Tait (Associate Director,
Lecturer, Psychology
School of Health and Social Sciences
Napier University |
Subject Advisers
Professor Emeritus Harry Dickinson, University of Edinburgh
Electronic Engineering:
Professor Gordon Hayward, University of Strathclyde
Dr Bob Kelly, University of Edinburgh (retired)
Professor Simon van Heyningen, University of Edinburgh
International Consultants
Professor Emeritus John Biggs,
Professor David Perkins, Harvard